Welcome to
The Sage Kitchen
Food for Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Hi, welcome to The Sage Kitchen, where we talk about food, fitness, family, faith, and much more. I'm Dr. Jessica, an osteopathic physician (DO) and general pediatrician with a passion for total health and wellness. The process of seeking wellness involves getting to know yourself, accepting who you are, and embracing who you want to become. It means being attuned not just to your physical health, but also to your mental and spiritual well-being. This is the fundamental osteopathic approach to medicine, one that I strive to incorporate on a regular basis, both in my medical practice and at home. At The Sage Kitchen, I share healthy cooking advice, wellness tips, nutrition and medical knowledge, all in a fun, encouraging way.
The Sage Kitchen
About Dr. Jessica
Jessica Osman, DO is an osteopathic physician and general pediatrician for over 10 years with a passion for helping people achieve their health and wellness goals. Board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics, she's also working toward her certification in obesity medicine. A graduate of The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Jessica completed her residency training at Geisinger Medicial Center in Danville, PA. She and her supportive husband are raising two children, two cats, and a dog.
About Osteopathic Physicians Osteopathic physicians attend medical school and attain a medical degree the same as MD's. Osteopaths focus on a systems-based approach that incorporates physical, mental, and spiritual or relational health. They learn to treat the whole person, not just on the absence of disease, but also on how lifestyle and community relationships affect health.

Additionally, they also use what's called Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, or OMM, as another way to help heal the body. Although not exactly the same as chiropractic care, it has its similarities in understanding how one part of the body can affect another and how the mind, body, and spirit are interrelated. For more information on osteopathic medicine, follow this link to the American Academy of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine: https://www.aacom.org/become-a-doctor/about-om
Why a Blog? Dr. Jessica Explains...
Why start a blog and social media platform? Well, I've always enjoyed writing for one. With my passion for medicine and wellness, and my compassion for people, I decided it was the perfect creative outlet to help others by encouraging them by sharing my own personal journey to wellness. Like many, I've had my own struggles -- and have seen patients, friends, and family members struggle with peaks and valleys too -- in staying on a healthy track. So, I seek to encourage, inspire, and motivate others to achieve change and to reach their wellness goals, despite the daily hurdles of over-scheduled lives and processed foods. The good news is, armed with the right information and a supportive community, positive transformation CAN happen!

Healthcare Disclaimer
Some of the information I post is anecdotal, based on my own experience and background knowledge as a physician, while other things are evidence-based and researched. This site or any social media platforms related to this site are not meant to replace the advice of your primary care physician. They are for informational purposes only. If you have questions on any topics discussed here, you should consult your doctor. Please seek your doctor's advice prior to starting any diet or exercise plan, or before utilizing any other methods described on this site. This website or any of its affiliate social media pages should not be construed as medical advice or as a doctor-patient relationship. We disclaim any responsibility for any particular matter that affects your health or your specific situation. Moreover, the content on this website could be dated and we are under no obligation to update the information included here.